
The certificate of  approved seaman for fast rescue boats shall be valid for five years. In order to obtain the renewal, by the expiry date of the certificate, it shall be demonstrated that it has maintained the required level of training, by means of the frequency of a refresher training course for updating the following competencies:

Knowledge of the construction, maintenance, repair and fitting-out of fast rescue boats;
Take control of on-board training equipment and devices, both for training and recovery;
Take control of a fast rescue boat installed on board, during the landing and recovery;
Take control of a fast rescue boat after landing;
Operate on the engine of a fast emergency boat;
The expiry date of the certificate so renewed shall begin on the date of completion of the refresher course.

Requirements to participate  are:

  • FRB valid certificate 




The courses are weekly organized except the second, third week of August and the Christmas holiday season. In addition, courses are organized on request through private or corporate bookings.

Call the number 081-5099303

Send a mail to info@imat2006.it 

or fill out the form below for further information.

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