
Description  Marine Accident and Incident investigation is divided in three area that are:

-Hazard Recognition and Risk Evaluation

Hazard recognition and risk Evaluation are important in today’s workplace – this course will walk you through how to recognize hazards, write a risk evaluation and other related tools. You will walk away from the course with another perspective on how to look at your workplace.

The course duration is 3 days

-Incident Investigation

The procedures to investigate the marine incidents will be provided. Moreover cases studies of marine will be analyzed and provided statistics of the incidents to Italian level , European and international.

The course duration is 1 day

-Risk Assessment

Risk assessment helps us identify and quantify risk, including the chance of injury, death or loss of property, and helps us establish a plan for corrective action.

The main topics are:

  • Learn and define the key principles of risk assessment
  • See which risks need to be assessed, by whom, and commonly used tools and methods to identify hazards
  • Understand the assessment process, how risks are ranked and how existing controls are identified
  • Know how to create a risk acceptability and control action plan

The course duration is 1 day



No specific requirements needs

The course is provided in accordance to the above Resolutions,circulars and conventions:
-IMO Res.A 849(20),IMO Res.A 884(21),IMO Res.A 973(24),IMO Res.MSC 255(84)
-UNCLOS ARTICLES:Legal status of the territorial sea,of the air space over the territorial sea and of its bed
and subsoil,art.2;Duties of flag state,art.94 and Enforcement by Flag States,Art 217
The risk assessment course is provided in accordance to the resolution MSC273(85)adopted December 2008




The courses are weekly organized except the second, third week of August and the Christmas holiday season. In addition, courses are organized on request through private or corporate bookings.

Call the number 081-5099303

Send a mail to info@imat2006.it 

or fill out the form below for further information.

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